By Karis Fields

Photo: Inc. — Source
It is likely that a majority of people know what IQ is. IQ, which is short for intelligence quotient, is a measure of a person’s reasoning and problem solving abilities. Those with a high IQ are able to strategize, adapt to change, logically solve problems, and understand abstract ideas.
Scientists have used IQ tests in the past in order to determine how intelligent someone is, thus helping determine how much they will succeed in life. However, some psychologists have suggested IQ scores to be too narrow and lack measuring a human’s full range of intelligence. How are we to measure human intelligence instead if not with IQ? This is where emotional intelligence comes in.
Emotional intelligence, or EQ, is the ability to recognize, understand, evaluate, perceive, and manage emotions. Those who are emotionally intelligent are oftentimes empaths and are able to properly communicate with others, control their impulses, resolve conflicts, and adapt their feelings.
There are four levels to emotional intelligence: perceiving, reasoning, understanding, and managing. Additionally, there are four different key elements to emotional intelligence: self-management, self-awareness, social awareness, and relationship management.
Emotional intelligence can affect both your mental and physical health. Managing emotions and managing stress go hand in hand. Those who find difficulty in managing their own emotions most likely don’t necessarily manage their stress. If a person’s stress gets to a point of being unmanageable, then they are more at risk of things such as high blood pressure, a weakened immune system, quick aging, heart attacks, and strokes. In order to be healthy physically, one must also be healthy emotionally. Same thing goes with mental health. Someone who has unmanaged emotions and stress are more likely to be anxious and depressed. They also will prevent that person from forming and keeping meaningful relationships.
There are various ways one can practice using their emotional intelligence, sometimes even without thinking about it. One may accept responsibility over something, learn from their mistakes, set healthy boundaries, be more open with their feelings, show empathy, and listen to others.
While there are many ways in which one can practice using their emotional intelligence, there are also ways in which it can be improved. Take time to listen to others in order to fully understand them – both verbally and non-verbally. Practice empathy by putting oneself into the situation of someone else. Reflect on one’s actions and behaviors, see how much emotions influence those. Know oneself in order to know others. Stop seeking validation from others in order to gain humility.
Even though a person’s IQ is a key factor to the future success of an individual, EQ plays a far more important role. Emotional intelligence can help a person be able to relate to others as well as aid in goal accomplishment. Having a high EQ can oftentimes lead to a healthy, balanced life. Emotional intelligence is something that everyone can find ways to improve on daily.